As marathon season is fast approaching, here at PhysioXpert we thought it would be of benefit to all our clients if we listed a few of the best ways to recover following exercise.
There is a significant body of scientific evidence that supports the importance of recovery after exercise, ranging from hydration to sleep.
As we pride ourselves on using only to latest evidence based practices, we’ve listed some
options regarding the best ways to recover as supported by science.
These strategies for recovery includes:
- Protein consumption: Consuming protein after exercise has been shown to promote muscle
recovery and growth. A 2019 review of studies found that consuming protein immediately after exercise can increase muscle protein synthesis and aid in recovery.
- Sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for recovery after exercise. A 2017 review of studies found that sleep deprivation can impair recovery and negatively impact exercise performance.
- Stretching: Stretching after exercise can help to reduce muscle soreness and improve flexibility. A 2011 review of studies found that stretching after exercise can reduce muscle soreness and improve range of motion.
- Active recovery: Light exercise, such as walking or cycling, can promote blood flow and aid in recovery. A 2015 study found that active recovery after high-intensity exercise can reduce
muscle soreness and improve performance in subsequent workouts.
- Hydration: Adequate hydration is important for recovery after exercise. Dehydration can impair performance and delay recovery. A 2012 study found that rehydration after exercise can improve recovery and reduce muscle pain and stiffness.